

From her chambers she watched as the golden, crimson, platinum, sapphire and emerald dragons fly over Nuldar. She had spent most of her days learning, reading, practicing for her day to take rule.

She had been trained by the Lady Catriona O'Rogan in private for the day that she had hoped would not be. Thus this day did come though and she did take her seat upon the throne to reign over the good people of Nuldar. To protect them from the neighboring realms.

Now she sits upon her throne, sad and yet happy. The days of glory shall rise once again. Through the loss of Lady Catriona, she would fulfill her wish and create a righteous kingdom.

The Training

"Agriculae, Agriculum, Agricula.." the words so moted in her memory of the late Lady O'Rogan. She sat at the window ledge looking over the vast territory they once covered together on horseback.

"Remember, there shall many out there whom will respect you and many whom will not. The thing you should take to heart is to always be who you are and not what they wish".

"But Madame, how am I to know? How am I to be who I am and still keep peace?"

"Oh, those things shall come in time."

The words lingered in her mind as her gaze took her to that outside arena.

"Stand straight Arabella. "

" I am."

"Then wield that sword, it is not a staff."

" I am."

"Parry, not thrust."

" I did" She moaned.

" Left foot, not right foot"

" I wassss" the incessant whining continued but she did as she was told and with that, the cold blast of the Claymore rang out as it struck her own and she staggared a bit but did not loose her footing.

"That is why, my dear, you do as told" the master swordsman's words rang clear in her words.

All her training, learning, book work, constant trials were to train her, to make her better at what she was to do. To be rular.

Wrinkle in Time

That fateful day came, soon then Arabella wished for it to. She was reading over another novel for her tutor, translating Victor Hugo's Les Miserable from the French to the English when Gandalf appeared beside her.

"Set your studies down girl" his soft yet dramatic voice echoed through the vast room in which she sat.

"What is it Sir?"She looked up quietly to the elder Elven that now was brushing a stray locke of hair from in front of her view.

"All depart from this world at some time. This you know do you not?"

"Aye. All part of the wheel of life Sir."

"Then you shall be joyed to know that Lady O'Rogan has completed her wheel of life and has moved on to beyond Lothlorien, to be with her Father, Liam"

"Mov....." The words choked themselves within her throat as hot crystalline tears moved their way down her cheeks. She knew, she had always known the time, since all she had witnessed, read.....she nodded.

"Good. Then you are now Queen and your duties are rightfully yours to fulfil. Thus, another wheel has begun." And with that, this wizard was gone as quickly as he came.

The Order

Having read through every book her tutor had written, every report, every document, letter, proclamation, she made up her mind.

Arabella packed her small trunks, well, her many trunks called for her servants and summoned her driver.

"Yes, your Highness".

"We go to Rhy'Din. To the Citadel."

"Beggin your pardon, but what is there?"

"We go to the Order of the Crimson Star. I shall complete the task my tutor once began.."

With that, she made her way to RhyDin. A trip that to her seemed to pass for months but was merely a two week carriage ride. Various stops among the way to make alliances for Nuldar, as well as set up spots she could then always count upon.

The Citadel itself was everything her tutor had written of, though, now different. Shortly after her acceptance, the Leader stepped down. The man written about by her tutor was not gone and now, well another book should have to be written about the current ones. So, to Arabella a task now set. To be the best she could be and in her own turn, write a book upon them, glorifying their marvelous reign.

Ra-God of the Sun

She had not been settled but four weeks when Ra appeared. To her, not much to think of. She had stopped him from terrorizing the poor members of the Order and through such tasks had fallen in love.

Her love though was quickly ended after their short marriage. Her spouse had taken the lives within her and ended his.

All the memories gone as quickly as they came. To her, now life simply moved onward. She took to bury herself within duties, hardened on the outside yet tender if one took the time to find it.

Pleasant Dreams

It was upon that bright morn whilst recruiting that she happened upon the small boy. Soft hazel eyes beamed up at her as the wind caught that soft head of deep golden lockes.

" I'm this many" he stated plainly holding up three fingers on one little hand and two on the other.

How could one not love him? Arabella new no larger love then this love she felt for this child.

So, with his liking, she became his mother. Thus, the prince was chosen....

Ethan Sebastian Cadell...

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