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Friends and Family

I present below each as friends to whom my gratitude, thanks and love are bestowed upon and owed to. As I sit here and think upon the many things they have done for me, the many times they have listened to me on and how welcome they have made me feel as I take on the many duties of my life, I remember them fondly. May they and their household's be blessed now and forever.
- Ra Atum, May 6, 2001-Cairo, Egypt
Death Announcements
- Ra-Atum, May 10, 2001
- Royal Twins Rameses & Niaria Cadell-Atum : Taken by Anubis
- Ethan Sebastian Cadell, May 23, 2001 [ 5 yrs of age, vampiric ]
The Kingdom
- Sir Ajora Bellicose
- Sir Dracus Lenmear
- Master Davion Matrix
Order of the Crimson Star
- Commander Jewell Du Enfer
- Commander Boo Radley
- General Lament K'oss
- General Sindri Vihjalm
- General Alexandria Le Chase
- Colonel Zelda Hyrule
- Colonel Artican Liral
- Colonel Baltizar Redvale
- Colonel Drake Kingsley and Family
- Major David von Kavi'Dson
- Captain Deedlit Rio
- Captain Luke Valinar
- Captain Sagrath Tjodalv
- Captain Bahne Lorian
- Captain Anya Aimee McGinnis
- Lieutenant Lord Jared Caine
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